I'm new to terra and have to cycle a large number of rast
objects through a byzantine set of nested conditionals. I've written it all out using ifel
but unsure how to make a function that I can use lapp
r <- c(rast(matrix(1:25, nrow=5, ncol=5)),
rast(matrix(11:35, nrow=5, ncol=5)))
names(r)[2] <- "lyr.2"
r2 <- ifel(r["lyr.1"] > 20,100,
ifel(r["lyr.1"] <=5 & r["lyr.2"]>10, 200,
ifel(r["lyr.2"] <= 10 & r["lyr.1"] > 5, 300,
Assuming that r
will be a raster with consistently named layers, how can I make r2
using a function and lapp
Many thanks.
You make a function like this
f <- function(x) {
ifel(x["lyr.1"] > 20,100,
ifel(x["lyr.1"] <=5 & x["lyr.2"]>10, 200,
ifel(x["lyr.2"] <= 10, 300, 9999)))
r2 <- f(r)
And if you have a list or SpatRasterDataset you can use it with lapply
x <- list(r,r)
# or
# x <- sds(r, r)
y <- lapply(x, f)
If you want to use lapp
you can rewrite the function like this
ff <- function(x, y) {
ifelse(x > 20, 100,
ifelse(x <=5 & y > 10, 200,
ifelse(y <= 10, 300, 9999)))
and do
x <- sds(r, r)
z <- lapp(x, ff)