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Frequency count and all combination analysis in R?

The following code generates data (source):

# Set the seed for reproducibility

# Generate random data
n <- 490
PTSD <- sample(c(1, 2, NA), n, replace = TRUE) #class(PTSD) = "numeric"
ANX <- sample(c(1, 2, NA), n, replace = TRUE) #class(ANX) = "numeric"
DEP <- sample(c(1, 2, NA), n, replace = TRUE) #class(DEP) = "numeric"

# Create the data frame
df <- data.frame(PTSD, ANX, DEP) #class(df) = "data.frame"

# Label the values: 1 = Low, 2 = High
expss::val_lab(df$PTSD) = expss::num_lab("1 Low
                                        2 High")
expss::val_lab(df$ANX) = expss::num_lab("1 Low
                                        2 High")
expss::val_lab(df$DEP) = expss::num_lab("1 Low
                                        2 High")

# Create a list of tables for each variable to count 1s, 2s, and NAs
count_results <- list(
  PTSD = table(df$PTSD, useNA = "ifany"),
  ANX = table(df$ANX, useNA = "ifany"),
  DEP = table(df$DEP, useNA = "ifany")

This portion of the code does some frequency count and summarises data:

# Combine the count tables into a single table
count_table <-, count_results)

# Initialize empty vectors to store results
variable_names <- character()
sample_sizes <- numeric()

# Loop through the test results and extract relevant information
for (variable_name in names(count_results)) {
  sample_sizes <- c(sample_sizes, sum(count_results[[variable_name]]))
  variable_names <- c(variable_names, variable_name)

# Create summary data frame
summary_df <- data.frame(
  Variable = variable_names,
  N = sample_sizes

# Combine the count table and chi-squared summary table by columns
final_result <- cbind(count_table, summary_df)

# Remove Variable column in the middle of the table
final_result <- subset(final_result, select = -c(Variable))

This portion of the code does what I call "combination analysis" (it is one of the answers of the above mentioned SO thread):

t3 <- c("PTSD","ANX","DEP")

combs <- map(seq_along(t3),\(n)combn(t3,n,simplify = FALSE)) |> flatten()

filts <- parse_exprs(map_chr(combs,\(x)paste0(x ,'== 2',collapse=' & ')))
filtsnames <- parse_exprs(map_chr(combs,\(x)paste0(x ,collapse=' + ')))
names(filts) <- filtsnames

out2 <- map_int(filts,\(x){
  df %>%
    mutate(id = row_number())%>%
      n = n())
} |> pull(n)


The last command generates this (which is what was requested by the author of the question):

# A tibble: 7 × 2
  name             value
  <chr>            <int>
1 PTSD               167
2 ANX                156
3 DEP                156
4 PTSD + ANX          56
5 PTSD + DEP          52
6 ANX + DEP           51
7 PTSD + ANX + DEP    23

However, when looking into it, the number of combinations is higher than that, namely (with corrected table generated in MS Excel, function COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, ...):

Combination                     n
PTSD High                     167
PTSD High, ANX Low             61
PTSD High, DEP Low             58
PTSD High, ANX High            56
PTSD High, DEP High            52
PTSD High, ANX Low, DEP Low    24
PTSD High, ANX High, DEP Low   14
PTSD High, ANX Low, DEP High   16
PTSD High, ANX High, DEP High  23
ANX High                      156
ANX High, PTSD Low             50
ANX High, DEP Low              46
ANX High, DEP High             51
ANX High, PTSD Low, DEP Low    19
ANX High, PTSD Low, DEP High   14
DEP High                      156
DEP High, PTSD Low             57
DEP High, ANX Low              52
DEP High, PTSD Low, ANX Low    17

My question:

  • Assuming there are no missing combinations in the table above, what would be the R code in order to obtain all the combinations and the pertaining frequencies?


  • If you use model.matrix with interaction effects you can get the combinations you want from df:

    First we set the missing in df to zero and set the columns to be factors:

    > df[] <- 0
    > df <- lapply(df, factor) |>

    Then find the model matrix, sum the columns:

    > all_combs <- model.matrix(~PTSD*ANX*DEP , df) |> colSums()

    Finally I think you only keep the elements with at least one 'high' value (check this is really what you want to do):

    > all_combs[grepl("High",names(all_combs))] |> cbind()
    PTSDHigh                  167
    ANXHigh                   156
    DEPHigh                   156
    PTSDHigh:ANXLow            61
    PTSDLow:ANXHigh            50
    PTSDHigh:ANXHigh           56
    PTSDHigh:DEPLow            58
    PTSDLow:DEPHigh            57
    PTSDHigh:DEPHigh           52
    ANXHigh:DEPLow             46
    ANXLow:DEPHigh             52
    ANXHigh:DEPHigh            51
    PTSDHigh:ANXLow:DEPLow     24
    PTSDLow:ANXHigh:DEPLow     19
    PTSDHigh:ANXHigh:DEPLow    14
    PTSDLow:ANXLow:DEPHigh     17
    PTSDHigh:ANXLow:DEPHigh    16
    PTSDLow:ANXHigh:DEPHigh    14
    PTSDHigh:ANXHigh:DEPHigh   23