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How to show postal code field in Stripe element

I am trying to integrate Stripe payments into my project, but it seems that Stripe's payment element doesn't show the postal code field. Is there a way to display that field?

Here is my code

<script src=""></script>

const stripe = Stripe('PUBLIC_KEY');

const elements = stripe.elements({
                     clientSecret: clientSecret,
                     theme: 'stripe',

const element = elements.create("payment");



  • There is no way to 'force-display' fields with the payment element.

    Using the fields param won't help - you have two values: auto and never. There is no always value. auto will only conditionally show the field.

    Concretely, the payment element will show the postal code field only if the card BIN matches a card that requires postal code collection - e.g. US or GB cards. You can also witness this by changing the country field on the element.

    If you want to always display and collect a postal code, your options are to create the postal code element yourself (in which case you would omit it from the payment element with never), or use an address element in conjunction with your payment element: