We would like to add some scripts to our monitoring environment, for which we would need some help with the XML queries for
Total number of connections
Highest cpu consuming ML ingestion process
Long Running Process
Stats - cpu, memoryetc
Any forests down
We are creating a self service tool to monitor above
There are a number of different functions that can be used to obtain most of the information that you are looking for: xdmp:host-status()
, xdmp:server-status()
, and xdmp:forest-status()
. I'll post a few specific code examples below.
There are also Manage REST endpoints available, if you want to plot some of the information over time to get an idea of rates and trends, and to be able to see things at different granularity (minutely, hourly, daily).
1. Blockings
Using the code from this MarkLogic knowledgebase article on locks, you can list all of the transactions that are blocked and waiting on other transaction locks:
declare namespace server ="http://marklogic.com/xdmp/status/server";
declare variable $host := xdmp:host();
for $server in xdmp:servers()
for $request in xdmp:server-status($host,$server)//server:request-status
let $transaction-id := $request/server:transaction-id
let $start-time := $request/server:start-time/text()
order by $request/server:start-time ascending
"Server : "||xdmp:server-name($server),
"Transaction : "||$transaction-id,
"Started at : "||$start-time,
try{ xdmp:transaction-locks($host, $transaction-id) }catch($e){}
2. Total number of connections
You can obtain the list of requests for a given Appserver on a given Host from xdmp:server-status
and add them up:
sum(xdmp:server-status(xdmp:hosts(), xdmp:servers())/*:request-statuses/*:request-status)
However, you might want to just look at the request-rate
(which reports the requests/sec) for each appserver.
3. Highest cpu consuming ML ingestion process
There isn't a mechanism to obtain CPU consumption per transaction/request. It isn't something that is metered and measured down at that level.
Longest running process
head( for $request in xdmp:server-status(xdmp:hosts(), xdmp:servers())/:request-statuses/:request-status order by $request/*:start-time/xs:dateTime(.) ascending return $request )
5. Stats - cpu, memory, etc
You can obtain metrics from xdmp:host-status
. There are various cpu, memory and other host status fields.
6. Any forests down
You can check xdmp:forest-status()
and decide what criteria to apply. For instance, to list the primary forests that are not open
import module namespace admin = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/admin" at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";
declare namespace f = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/status/forest";
for $forest in admin:get-forest-ids(admin:get-configuration())
let $status := xdmp:forest-status($forest)
let $forestName := $status/f:forest-name/text()
let $forestState := $status/f:state/text()
let $isMaster := $status/f:master-forest/text() eq $forest
let $isDown := $forestState ne "open"
where $isMaster and $isDown
return $forestName||": "||$forestState