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git config issue on another drive

So I have setup a git config to have a work folder and a personal folder:

  • It work fine for my personal folder witch is on my C drive (NTFS), it use my
  • Not for my work folder witch is on my D drive (FAT32), it use the (located in my .gitconfig) but didn't used my

Is my use case even possible? I don't have found a tutorial with another drive as the C. Maybe git want the same drive as the one with the exe? Would be nice if someone has getting something like this working.

Here it is my .git config (I've tested to inverse the order of the two and that changed nothing)

    email =
    name = Default

[includeIf "gitdir/i:D:/Work/**"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig-work
[includeIf "gitdir/i:C:/Personal/**"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig-personal

Here is my .gitconfig-work

    email =
    name = Work

Here is my .gitconfig-personal

    email =
    name = Personal

I've tried calling .gitconfig-work on a path on the C drive and it work so the problem should not be the .gitconfig-work. To be precise I've changed to something like this and it work (I got the :

[includeIf "gitdir/i:C:/Personal/**"]
    path = ~/.gitconfig-work 

So here it is the result of my Personal config (This one works : it use my

PS C:\Personal> mkdir test

    Directory: C:\Personal

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d----           10/2/2023 12:17 AM                test

PS C:\Personal> cd .\test\
PS C:\Personal\test> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Personal/test/.git/
PS C:\Personal\test> git config --show-origin --get
PS C:\Personal\test>

And this one is the result for my Work config and it didn't (it use

PS D:\Work> mkdir test

    Directory: D:\Work

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d----           10/2/2023 12:16 AM                test

PS D:\Work> cd .\test\
PS D:\Work\test> git init
Initialized empty Git repository in D:/Work/test/.git/
PS D:\Work\test> git config --show-origin --get
PS D:\Work\test>

By the way, my D drive is a partition on another(physically) drive in FAT32, I need to have my work on this drive since my D drive is a shared partition with a Pop OS 22.04 I need my two Os to access this folder.

Git : git version
Windows Version: 22H2

I've tested when assigning a true path to my D drive (so I could use it like C:/Shared) but didn't changed anythings.

Thanks to all people that will help.


  • I you want more info, here is the github issue I've made :

    This a quick answer, you need to have sufficent access right in that repo, so by adding this in your .gitconfig, you should be able to get this working :

       directory = *