I have a database like the image below
My query is:
SELECT DISTINCT(book.bookdescID),book.title,book.subtitle,book.edition,book.place
FROM book
LEFT JOIN book_copy
ON book.bookdescID = book_copy.bookdescID
LEFT JOIN borrow_copy
ON book_copy.bookID = borrow_copy.bookID
WHERE borrow_copy.bookID IS NULL
The problem is that there are books which have a version of a copy that has already been borrowed, while another version of the copy hasn't been borrowed yet. My query still considers that the book has never been borrowed before and that result is false. Can anyone provide a solution for this?
Personally, I don't like such tasks where you are asked to write a query in a way you should not write it.
Anyway, combine book_copy and borrow_copy in a subquery (aka derived table) and outer join this data set, so as to get a NULL only when a book has no match in there.
FROM book b
FROM book_copy bkc
JOIN borrow_copy brc ON brc.bookid = bkc.bookid
) bb ON bb.bookdescid = b.bookdescid
WHERE bb.bookdescid IS NULL;