I am trying to use Alembic to generate a revision that will create full text search indices for some columns in my tables. I've recently upgraded to SQLAlchemy 2.0 as well as PG15. Whenever I try to run an alembic upgrade head
, I get a SyntaxError.
The Alembic code I'm using is:
op.create_index('idx_obj_eng_ts_vector', 'Objects', [sa.text('(setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_1), \'A\') || setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_2), \'B\')) || setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_3), \'C\')')], unique=False, postgresql_using='gin')
The model code I use to generate that is:
def create_tsvector(
field_with_weights: list[tuple[str, str]], ts_config: str = "english"
field, weight = field_with_weights[0]
exp = func.setweight(
func.to_tsvector(literal_column(f'"{ts_config}"'), field), weight
for field, weight in field_with_weights[1:]:
exp = op(
func.to_tsvector(literal_column(f'"{ts_config}"'), field), weight
return exp
Which is called like:
class Objects(Base):
__tablename__ = "Objects"
col_name_1 = Column(String)
col_name_2 = Column(String)
col_name_3 = Column(String)
__object_eng_ts_vector__ = create_tsvector(
field_with_weights=[(col_name_1, "A"), (col_name_2, "B"), (col_name_3, "C")],
__table_args__ = (
Index("idx_object_eng_ts_vector", __object_eng_ts_vector__, postgresql_using="gin"),
The error I am getting when I call alembic upgrade head
psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near "||"
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM LINE 1: ...| setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_2), 'B')) || setweig...
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM ^
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError) syntax error at or near "||"
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM LINE 1: ...| setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_2), 'B')) || setweig...
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM ^
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM [SQL: CREATE INDEX idx_object_eng_ts_vector ON "Objects" USING gin ((setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_1), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_2), 'B')) || setweight(to_tsvector("english", col_name_3), 'C'))]
Sep 26 02:11:28 AM (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/20/f405)
But my code/syntax looks fine to me based on the documentation/other StackOverflow answers.
I based my code off of:
The '||' was causing issues when calling op.create_index, so I ended up switching to op.execute instead using raw SQL text.
I also had to replace the literal_column(f'"{ts_config}"'), field)
with func.to_tsvector(bindparam("ts_config", ts_config, type_=Text)
to avoid the CompileError mentioned in the second link of my question, as well as the ProgrammingError mentioned here in this Github issue comment thread.
Edit: using literal_column should work by reversing the quotes used, so literal_column(f"'{ts_config}'")
should work as well.