Need to write two kind of assertions for the code below
“payment_data: { “pay_details": { “pay_eligible": false, "ineligibility: “balance” } }
“payment_data: { “pay_details": { “pay_eligible": true, } }
* if ('pay_eligible' = false) karate.assert('ineligibility': '#notnull')
First, I strongly discourage "dynamic" tests like this, refer: - in other words, write each scenario so that you know exactly what the response should be and "hard code" it. Trust me on this, it will save you a lot of pain in the long run.
That said, here is just one way to achieve what you want. More tips can be found here:
* def response = { pay_details: { pay_eligible: false, ineligibility: 'balance' } }
* def expected = { pay_details: { pay_eligible: '#boolean' } }
* expected.pay_details.ineligibility = response.pay_details.pay_eligible ? '#notpresent' : '#string'
* match response == expected
You might be able to reduce this further, but I leave it for you as an exercise: