How do I do a conditional style based on a MODEL value. Such as below, I want the column either Green or Orange based on a value from the Model
<div class="col-6"
@Model.QuestionAnswers[i].answers[j].answerSelected == true
? style="background-color:green"
: style="background-color:darkorange">
Like this:
<div class="col-6"
style="@(Model.QuestionAnswers[i].answers[j].answerSelected == true ? "background-color: green;" : "background-color: darkorange;")">
But its cleaner to create a variable for the calculated style:
var calculatedStyle = Model.QuestionAnswers[i].answers[j].answerSelected == true ? "background-color: green;" : "background-color: darkorange;";
<div class="col-6" style="@calculatedStyle">