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How does the CLR optimize boolean comparison operation under the hood?

NOTE: I'm using PowerShell for examples in this question, but the same applies to any .NET language.

In the .NET CLR, I'm curious to know how the different ways of evaluating boolean logic work under the hood.

  • When considering practical applications and use-cases (even with extremely long running loops), the speed difference is so neglible that "it doesn't matter", which reduces boolean considerations to simply choosing a coding standard/format.
  • "Which boolean comparison operator is faster?" isn't what this question is about.

Generally (I'm not asking for a comprehensive list of each modern CPU arhitecture's machine language instruction set), how does the .NET CLR "optimize" each of these boolean comparisons, and at the end of the day, is the CPU using different instructions to evaluate these seemingly identical comparisons?

  • Evaluating for == TRUE:
    • -eq $true vs -ne $false
  • Evaluating for == FALSE:
    • (-not (<statement>)) vs -eq $false vs -ne $true
  • Pretend that each comparison is limited to (guaranteed) boolean results only, and we're ignoring $null for the sake of simple illustration.
  • Bonus points for historical context


  • Charlieface has provided the crucial pointer: is a great site that allows you to inspect what a given snippet of C# / F# / Visual Basic code compiles to in terms of IL (or JIT ASM)

    Using it, you can observe the following, based on the following C# code:

    public class C {
        bool b = false;
        int dummy = 0;
        public void M() {
            // equivalent positive tests
            if(b) { ++dummy; }
            if(b == true) { ++dummy; }
            if(b != false) { ++dummy; }
            // equivalent negative tests
            if(!b) { ++dummy; } 
            if(b == false) { ++dummy; }
            if(b != true) { ++dummy; }
    • The equivalent positive tests indeed compile to the very same IL code (in principle, abstracted below):

        ldfld bool C::b
        brfalse.s <target-statement>
    • Likewise, the equivalent negative tests all compile to:

        ldfld bool C::b
        brtrue.s <target-statement>

    As an aside: Note how the logic is reversed: testing for (effective) true results in a brfalse.s instruction, i.e. where to jump to if the test is not true, and vice versa (brtrue.s)

    To experiment with the results yourself:

    • Use this link.

    • Via the Results dropdown list in the pane to the right, you can also ask for your input code to be decompiled to C# (irrespective of the original input language), which corroborates the above findings:

      • The equivalent positive tests all decompile to:

        if (b) ...
      • The equivalent negative tests all decompile to:

        if (!b) ...