I am a college professor. My university's entire network is hosted by AWS. We have installed a program called WebWork for students to do and submit online homework. This program includes an email feature, that allows students to send an email message that automatically includes the problem they are working on to their instructor by clicking on a button. But we cannot get this feature to work. We used to have the same program on our own server before we moved to AWS, and the email was working fine. There is a site.conf file with the line $mail{smtpServer} = ''; that apparently needs to be filled in, but I don't know what to use for it.
Even though your network is hosted on AWS, it doesn’t automatically grant you access to Amazon's SMTP servers.
You need to create a verified identity in SES for the domain/email address you want to use to send email from, before you can then generate & use the SMTP credentials AWS provide you in your application.
You will need access to the AWS console to do so.