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React Native Google Mobile Ads Expo

I have an application that I just started in expo. It was working fine until I added the 'react-native-google-mobile-ads' package to the application, but after adding it, it started throwing the following errors constantly. Although I did all the configurations, I couldn't find any way.

Expo SDK 0.48 React Native 0.71.8

"react-native-google-mobile-ads": "^11.1.1"

enter image description here


  • you need to use Expo feature called Expo Development Build

    this is step how to run it:

    1. add expo package expo-dev-client yarn add expo-dev-client

    2. create the new build

    eas --platform android --profile development

    eas --platform ios --profile development

    1. copy the build on simulator or device

    2. run the expo

    expo start --dev-client

    1. open the build on the device, you new package should be run correctly