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Type conversion settings missed in Azure Data Factory in Copy activity

I would like to use option allowDataTruncation from Type conversion settings in Copy activity in Azure Data Factory, but this option is missed. In my pipeline, in one copy activity source(Postgres), sink (parquet, adls) I can use it, but in another copy activity source(parquet, adls), sink (synapse) I dont see this option. Why is that?

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  • In copy activity, the Type conversion settings are not supported for both Copy command and Polybase copy methods.

    These settings for synapse or only supported for Bulk insert or Upsert copy methods.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    So, to use the type conversion settings in copy activity, you need to use Bulk insert copy method.

    Go through this SO answer by @GregGalloway to undertstand about these copy methods.