I'm trying to install software based on Apache2/mod_perl2/Perl onto an OpenSUSE 11.1 box.
libapreq2 doesn't seem to be anywhere in the OpenSUSE repository, and CPAN won't install it because my mod_perl is from the package manager, not from source.
I'd really rather stick with packages for this install, rather than building from source tarballs, because I'd like package upgrades & security patches to work.
Anyone got any idea what I'm missing?
PS: Yes, I know it "just works" with Debian/Ubuntu distros :-).
sigh ... seconds after I asked, I stumbled across
and it finally occured to me to
zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Apache:/Modules/Apache_openSUSE_11.1
zypper in zypper in libapreq2 libapreq2-devel perl-Apache2-Request apache2-mod_apreq2 apache2-mod_apreq2-devel
which has at least got me some of the way ... the remaining problem is described at WebGUI, and SuSE, Apache - oh my. & I've worked around it with a /etc/apache2/http.conf.local file.