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Fix MDAC n IIS10

I have 32bit API wrote in 7. That API needs access FOX PRO DBF files using OLEDB drive (32bits). (if exist 64 bits drive do that job, please let me know, so I can upgrade)

All work on IISExpress, on VS2022 Environments (dev, stage, and prod).

I did deploy to IIS 10 on my Local PC, The API run. the issue happens when we request data.

I get this:


curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:15080/excessiveReturns' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

Request URL


Server response

CodeDetails500UndocumentedError: Internal Server ErrorResponse bodyDownload

{ "type": "",

"title": "An error occurred while processing your request.", "status": 500,

"detail": "The data providers require Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). Please install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.6 or later. - Built-in COM has been disabled via a feature switch. See for more information."


Response headers content-type: application/problem+json date: Sat,30 Sep 2023 00:16:10 GMT server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 transfer-encoding: chunked x-powered-by: ASP.NET

I did install MDAC 2.8. reboot my pc. But, the issue still persists

Please any advice to fix this issue?

I appreciate in advance.

I did install MDAC 2.8. reboot my pc. But, the issue still persists


  • I was focus on the first part of the error message: "The data providers require Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC). Please install Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.6 or later"

    I found the solution when I search with second part the error message : "Built-in COM has been disabled via a feature switch." the I found this link: System.NotSupportedException in TaskScheduler when using PublishTrimmed .NET6.0

    The solution for this issue is BuiltInComInteropSupport in the project file:
