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How can can I run tests using qtbot on macos Sonoma?

After upgrade to MacOS Sonoma, even simple tests like

def test_repro(qtbot):

hang indefinitely.

The related github issue has been closed, without any suggested workarounds.

Can someone perhaps come up with any workarounds here?


  • While there's an ongoing discussion on the github issue, and the new App Activation API is pointed out as a suspected culprit, what worked for me was to replace

    def _process_events():
        """Calls app.processEvents() while taking care of capturing exceptions
        or not based on the given item's configuration.
        app = qt_api.QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
        if app is not None:


    def _process_events():
        """Calls app.processEvents() while taking care of capturing exceptions
        or not based on the given item's configuration.
        app = qt_api.QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
        if app is not None:
            # app.processEvents()

    in pytestqt/

    In my case, I was able to edit it from PyCharm, it was under "External libraries -> Python 3.11 -> site-packages -> pytestqt ->".

    Not sure if it broke some other important functionality in qtbot, but at least my tests began to pass, and unblocked me in the short run.