in a onGridPanelCellClick event I create a loadMask to show before calling the fillDisplayStore() function but the mask doesn't show until after the function has completed. What am I missing?
var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {msg:"Please wait..."});;
fillDisplayStore(store, loadedStore);
I tried using chrome debugger putting a break point before the function call and it shows the mask before but in real time it doesn't show until after the function call. The reason I need a loadMask is because the function that is called takes about 10 seconds to finish. Thanks in advance for any help.
you can utilize setTimeout function to allow the rendering of the load mask before proceeding with your function. For example,
grid.on('cellclick', function () {
var myMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {
msg: "Please wait..."
setTimeout(function () {
// your function here
console.log('Data loading for record: ' + record.get('name'));
}, 2000);