I'm trying to make a marker that puts a number on each clone, so I can assign a life variable to each one, but I haven't been able of doing so. Any ideas?
I tried setting each clone to a different color and using it to set them to a number, but I don't know how to take the position of the clone so I can move the marker with it.
One way to do this would be to first create 1 variable called "Clone ID" (make sure to make it "for this sprite only" ) and write
when green flag clicked
set [clone ID v] to [1]
define create clone
create clone of [myself v]
change [clone ID v] by (1)
This may not be obvious, but this code makes it so that each clone you create has a unique Clone ID(this is the reason we made the variable "for this sprite only" ) and now we can write
when I start as a clone
replace item (clone ID v) of [x positions] with ((x position))
replace item (clone ID v) of [y positions] with ((y position))
Now we have stored each of the clones positions
if you now want to add a live count for each of them you just have to create a lives variable and a lives list and replace the x positions with the lives variable and the list with the lives list
when I start as a clone
replace (clone ID v) of [lives] with ((lives))