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Recode string in column based on the name of the column, looked up in another table

I have a df containing values for several ids and multiple variables. There is a reserve code, "no", the same code for all variables, that I would like to recode to different values based on another df, reserves.

df <- tribble(~id, ~var1, ~var2, ~var3,
               10, "1.1", "no", "3.45",
               11, "2.3", "4.67", "5.00",
               12, "no", "no", "7.65",
               13, "7.8", "7.8", "no")

reserves <- tribble(~var, ~replacement,
                    "var1", "0.01",
                    "var2", "0.45",
                    "var3", "0.02")

I am looking for a tidy solution to this. I know I can do this manually, as in:

df$var1[data$var1=="no"] <- reserves$replacement[reserves$var==var1]

But I would prefer a lookup-style solution that I could pipe into the rest of my workflow. Below is my desired result.

df <- tribble(~id, ~var1, ~var2, ~var,
               10, "1.1", "0.45", "3.45",
               11, "2.3", "4.67", "5.00",
               12, "0.01", "0.45", "7.65",
               13, "7.8", "7.8", "0.02")

So, replacing the "no" values with values specified in another table. Can I get a hand with this?


  • Alternatively please try the below code

    df <- df %>% 
      pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('var'), names_to = 'var')
    df %>% left_join(reserves, by=c('var')) %>% 
      mutate(value=ifelse(value=='no' & !, replacement, value)) %>% 
      pivot_wider(id_cols = id, names_from = var, values_from = value)

    Created on 2023-09-29 with reprex v2.0.2

    # A tibble: 4 × 4
         id var1  var2  var  
      <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
    1    10 1.1   0.45  3.45 
    2    11 2.3   4.67  5.00 
    3    12 0.01  0.45  7.65 
    4    13 7.8   7.8   no