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Firestore Update Error: Using arrayUnion in Firestore Update Operation

I'm currently facing an issue while trying to update a Firestore document by adding an element to an array field using Firestore's 'arrayUnion' method. I'm using Firestore in my Angular application with AngularFire, and the specific error I'm encountering is:

Type 'FieldValue' is missing the following properties from type 'CarAttachment[]': length, pop, push, concat

The expected type comes from property 'attachments,' which is declared here on type 'Partial'.

Here's the relevant code snippet I'm using for this operation:

addCarAttachment(carId: string, attachment: CarAttachment) {
  return this.firestore.collection<Car>('car').doc(carId).update({
    attachments: FieldValue.arrayUnion(attachment),

Additionally, I have defined the following interfaces for 'Car' and 'CarAttachment':

export interface Car {
    id: string;
    attachments: CarAttachment[];
    created_at: Date | Timestamp;
    updated_at?: Date | Timestamp;

export interface CarAttachment {
    doc_name: string;
    doc_url: string;
    doc_type: string;
    expiration_time: Date | Timestamp;
    uploaded_at: Date | Timestamp;

I'm seeking advice or solutions to help me overcome this error and successfully update my Firestore document by adding an element to the 'attachments' array field using 'arrayUnion' while using AngularFire.


  • As @Hezy Ziv said I need just to use any in the addCarAttachment

    addCarAttachment(carId: string, attachment: CarAttachment) {
      return this.firestore.collection<any>('car').doc(carId).update({
        attachments: FieldValue.arrayUnion(attachment),