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RequestCaptureMediaPermission for WKWebView in Maui iOS

In Microsoft Learn ( a solution is given to reduce the number of prompts for camera and microphone permission when WebRTC is used in Xamarin iOS. I could not get it working on Maui IOS. I have also opened a ticket in GitHub (

The API RequestMediaCapturePermission is not called at all. I am not sure where is the error in my code in the small project that I have uploaded in GitHub. Greatly appreciate any help, especially from those who managed to get it working.

Thank you.


  • From the docs:, the IWebViewHandler on iOS has been defined like below:

    #elif __IOS__
                [nameof(WKUIDelegate)] = MapWKUIDelegate,

    To call the RequestMediaCapturePermission, you may change the "PermissionRequest" to nameof(WKUIDelegate):

            Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.WebViewHandler.Mapper.Add(nameof(WKUIDelegate), (handler, view) =>
                    if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(15, 0))
                      MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                        handler.PlatformView.UIDelegate = new WebViewUIDelegate();
            return builder.Build();
      public override void RequestMediaCapturePermission(WKWebView webView, WKSecurityOrigin origin, WKFrameInfo frame, WKMediaCaptureType type, Action<WKPermissionDecision> decisionHandler)
          base.RequestMediaCapturePermission(webView, origin, frame, type, decisionHandler );