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Fill missing values in a ratio table based on ProvinceNo(Branch)?

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#ReflectionRatio') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #ReflectionRatio
CREATE TABLE #ReflectionRatio(
    [ReflectionRatioKey] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [StartDate] [date] NULL,
    [ProvinceNo] [nvarchar](3) NULL,
    [Rate] [float] NULL,
    [Period] [nvarchar](10) NULL


I need to fill in missing values according to rules defined below: Dates period to be filled in : 2005-01-01 / 2023-12-31

-- Rule.1: If a ratio is missing for a specific ProvinceNo, then take the previous most recent one:

For example: For 750 ProvinceNo and From 2019-07 period up to 2020-05, Record should be:


--Rule.2: All ratio values in a province has 0.0 ,then take all of the previous province ratios.

Note: In fact, I have many provinces, not just 712 and 750!

I tried to solve it using window functions (LEAD and LAG) but I only managed to fetch the first next record and previous record.

ProvinceNo-750 and From 2019-07 period up to 2023-12, Records should be:


I appreciate any help, Thanks!


  • Here is my stab it. Let me know if it helps.

    ;with cte_dates as (
        select convert(date, '2005-01-01') as data_date
        union all
        select dateadd(mm,1, data_date) 
        from cte_dates
        where data_date < '2023-12-01'
    ), cte_max_dates as (
        select c.data_date, r.StartDate, r.ProvinceNo, r.Rate 
        from cte_dates c 
            cross apply (select StartDate, ProvinceNo, Rate 
                        from #ReflectionRatio rr
                        where rr.StartDate = ( select max(StartDate) 
                                                from #ReflectionRatio ri 
                                                where ri.StartDate <= data_date 
                                                and ri.ProvinceNo = rr.ProvinceNo 
                                                and ri.Rate > 0 )
                                            ) r
    select c.data_date, c.ProvinceNo, case when ISNULL(r.Rate,0) = 0 then c.Rate else r.Rate end Rate, convert(varchar(7),c.data_date, 20) Period 
    from cte_max_dates c left join #ReflectionRatio r on r.StartDate = c.data_date and r.ProvinceNo = c.ProvinceNo  
    order by c.data_date
    option (maxrecursion 0)