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Vuetify fast fail is not preventing the form from being sent

Vuetify fast fail checks and displays the error message, but the form is sent anyway.

<script setup>

  import { ref } from "vue"
  const firstName = ref('')
  const firstNameRules = [
    value => {
      if (value?.length > 3) return true
      return 'First name must be at least 3 characters.'
  function submit() {

  <v-form fast-fail @submit.prevent="submit">
        label="First name"

The function submit always runs, even with the error being shown. How to make the error checking prevent the form from being submitted?


  • The :fast-fail prop stops validation when a check fails (in contrast to the default behavior, which always validates all inputs). It has nothing to do with submitting or submit events.

    Instead, the @submit handler receives a SubmitEventPromise, which is a regular submit event merged with a promise. You can await that promise for the validation result and abort the submit if validation failed:

    async function submit(submitEventPromise) {
      const { valid, errors } = await submitEventPromise
      if (!valid) {
        return // abort submit
      ... // perform submit

    Here it is in a playground