I am encountering errors when including a function to split a string inside apoc.periodic.iterate in Neo4j. Namely, here is my query which runs fine:
WITH collect(file.URL) AS fileURLs
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
CALL apoc.load.csv($url) YIELD map AS csv
WITH round(toFloat(csv.dendrogram_height),3,"HALF_UP") as height, csv.gene_name as gene, csv.event_no as event, csv.samples as sp, round(toFloat(csv.median_ge),3,"HALF_UP") as me, csv.no_of_samples as no_s, csv.leaf_status as leaf, csv.patients as pts, csv.no_of_uniq_patients as no_pt, round((toFloat(csv.log2fc)),3,"HALF_UP") as log2, round(toFloat(csv.padj_deseq2),3,"HALF_UP") as padj, csv.up_or_down as up
CREATE (:Expression:Primary {name: gene, event_no: event, dendrogram_height: height, samples: sp, median_exp: me, no_of_samples: no_s, leaf_status: leaf, patients: pts, no_of_unique_patients: no_pt, log2fc: log2, padj_deseq2: padj, up_or_down: up});
{batchSize:10000,parallel:true,params:{url:fileURL}}) YIELD batches, total
RETURN batches, total;
But when I include the function split
(or apoc.text.split
for that matter) in the WITH
statement, namely,
MATCH (file:File) WITH file
WITH collect(file.URL) AS fileURLs
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
CALL apoc.load.csv($url) YIELD map AS csv
WITH round(toFloat(csv.dendrogram_height),3,"HALF_UP") as height, csv.gene_name as gene, csv.event_no as event, csv.samples as sp, round(toFloat(csv.median_ge),3,"HALF_UP") as me, csv.no_of_samples as no_s, csv.leaf_status as leaf, split(csv.patients,',') as pts, csv.no_of_uniq_patients as no_pt, round((toFloat(csv.log2fc)),3,"HALF_UP") as log2, round(toFloat(csv.padj_deseq2),3,"HALF_UP") as padj, csv.up_or_down as up
CREATE (:Expression:Primary {name: gene, event_no: event, dendrogram_height: height, samples: sp, median_exp: me, no_of_samples: no_s, leaf_status: leaf, patients: pts, no_of_unique_patients: no_pt, log2fc: log2, padj_deseq2: padj, up_or_down: up});
{batchSize:10000,parallel:true,params:{url:fileURL}}) YIELD batches, total
RETURN batches, total;
I get an error saying:
Procedure call provides too many arguments: got 4 expected no more than 3.
Procedure apoc.periodic.iterate has signature: apoc.periodic.iterate(cypherIterate :: STRING?, cypherAction :: STRING?, config :: MAP?) :: batches :: INTEGER?, total :: INTEGER?, timeTaken :: INTEGER?, committedOperations :: INTEGER?, failedOperations :: INTEGER?, failedBatches :: INTEGER?, retries :: INTEGER?, errorMessages :: MAP?, batch :: MAP?, operations :: MAP?, wasTerminated :: BOOLEAN?, failedParams :: MAP?, updateStatistics :: MAP?
meaning that it expects at least 3 arguments of types STRING?, STRING?, MAP?
Description: Runs the second statement for each item returned by the first statement.
This procedure returns the number of batches and the total number of processed rows. (line 4, column 1 (offset: 90))
"CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("
The only difference is the split
function in split(csv.patients,',')
than csv.patients
in the second query chunk.
How to resolve this? Thanks.
in the split, the single quotes around the coma are messing up with opening and closing the 3 strings for periodic iterate
use double quotes and you should be good...