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How to calculate the CRC32 of a string in Powershell?

I could not find any simple Powershell-function to calculate the CRC32 of a given string. Therefore I decided to write my own function which I would like to share in my answer.


  • Based on the good input from @Cem Polat here a more elegant solution with embededd code:

    $crc32 = add-type '
    public static extern uint RtlComputeCrc32(uint dwInitial, byte[] pData, int iLen);
    ' -Name crc32 -PassThru
    $str = "123456789"
    $arr = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($str)
    $crc = $crc32::RtlComputeCrc32(0, $arr, $arr.Count)