I'm having some issues with ag-grid. I want to click an add row button and add a new row to the top of my grid. To accomplish this I think I need to make use of a temporary pinned row so the item always shows at the top no matter what sorting has been enabled. As soon as the pinned row is added I also want to start editing the row. This is how I'm trying to accomplish this right now, but its not working. If I put a delay in after setting the pinned top row data it works. There has to be a better way to accomplish this.
const addRow = () => {
rowIndex: 0,
rowPinned: 'top',
colKey: 'myColumnKey',
I have a better alternative for you.
In this example, we have a pinned row at the top of the grid. We double click each cell, enter values until the last column and press enter. Voila! A new row has been added to the top!
Entering Values
Final State
To achieve that, refer to this blog: https://blog.ag-grid.com/add-new-rows-using-a-pinned-row-at-the-top-of-the-grid/
or refer to my Stackblitz link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-pinned-input-row-blog-fzknf4?file=index.js
I have made a minor change in the code of the blog because you wanted the new row to be on top
onCellEditingStopped: (params) => {
if (isPinnedRowDataCompleted(params)) {
// save data
setRowData([inputRow, ...rowData]); // minor change
//reset pinned row
If you want to perform some actions right after pinning row, I have found a grid event: onPinnedRowDataChanged
Let's give this a try
onPinnedRowDataChanged: (params) => {
rowIndex: 0,
rowPinned: 'top',
colKey: 'myColumnKey',