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What does below syntax do request.config?

what is param (request), how it is getting passed? and what does it do when request.config is called? what is config?

 def test_func(request): 


 def base_url(request):
      return request.config.getoption('--base-url')


  • request.config in python used to access the configuration settings of the request object. In the context of testing with pytest, the request object represents the test request being executed.

    def test_func(request):
    • In this example test_func function takes a request object as a parameter. This function is likely a test function written using the pytest framework.
    • Within the function, request.config.getini('foo') is called to retrieve the value of the 'foo' configuration option from the request object's configuration. This allows you to access specific configuration values for your tests.
      In second Example
    def base_url(request):
        return request.config.getoption('--base-url')
    • @pytest.fixture is a decorator used to define a fixture in pytest. base_url fixture is defined to retrieve the value of the --base-url option from the request object's configuration using request.config.getoption('--base-url').
    • The value of this option can then be returned by the fixture and used in tests that depend on it.