I am working with SymPy package (https://www.sympy.org/en/index.html). The code runs fine, for example, this small portion of code:
from sympy import Symbol, exp, integrate
x = Symbol('x')
f = 2.5*exp(-0.5*x)
integrate(f, (x,0,1))
However in VSCode, Pylance always gives me this kind of warning/error:
Operator "*" not supported for types "float" and "exp"
Operator "*" not supported for types "float" and "Symbol"
Is it normal and is there any way to fix it?
This is because Pylance does not support SymPy expressions
This will prevent the warnings from appearing:
f: sympy.Expr = 2.5*exp(-0.5*x)
Or Use MyPy instead of Pylance