Search code examples

How to make suggestions appear below the SearchBar

I want to make the list of suggestions appear below the SearchBar like in this example: Items appearing below

I used the same code in the sample but the search box and the list goes fullscreen like this when the search bar is clicked: enter image description here

Here's my code:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Add game'),
          leading: IconButton(
            icon: const Icon(Icons.arrow_back),
            onPressed: () {
        body: Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
          child: Column(
            crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
            children: [
                builder: (BuildContext context, SearchController controller) {
                  return SearchBar(
                    controller: controller,
                    padding: const MaterialStatePropertyAll<EdgeInsets>(
                      EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
                    onTap: () {
                    onChanged: (value) {
                      setState(() {
                        // Update the searchText and button enabled state.
                        searchText = value;
                        isButtonEnabled = searchText.isNotEmpty;
                    leading: const Icon(,
                    (BuildContext context, SearchController controller) {
                  return List<ListTile>.generate(5, (int index) {
                    final String item = 'item $index';
                    return ListTile(
                      title: Text(item),
                      onTap: () {
                        setState(() {
              const SizedBox(height: 16),
                onPressed: isButtonEnabled ? () => onAddToWatchlistClicked() : null,
                style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
                  backgroundColor: lightColorScheme.primary
                child: const Text('Add to watchlist'),

I tried removing the other children, leaving only the SearchAnchor as the child but it didn't work. Am I missing something here?


  • Found it. You just have to add isFullScreen: false to SearchAnchor.