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Azure logic apps standard calling local function error

With the recent enhancement in logic apps standard we have the ability to call a .NET custom code that is wrapped in a function with "Call local function" action.

This is all working fine in VS code when testing locally but getting the below error when deployed to azure. Just to mention here, i only deployed logic app standard to workflow service plan WS1 but did not deploy function as i think functions dll is already part of the logic app artefacts. All the demos and articles on web only talk about VS CODE but not deployment to azure

Error: GetFunctionFailed The function"xxxxx" does not exists in the function app

Do we need to deploy both logic app and function app for this to work?

I have deployed logic app with WS plan and not ASEV3 plan so is that an issue?


  • I have referred this ms docs to create custom code function in logic app standard.

    Once the workspace is created, compile your code by executing below code in function terminal,

    dotnet restore
    dotnet build

    Ensure, you have functions dll created in lib\custom.

    enter image description here

    I have deployed my logic app like below

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Even I have created my logic app in WS1 service plan. After deployment, I can see my logic app workflow.

    enter image description here


    enter image description here