Setup: Springboot with Kotlin
Description: try to mock a java method, from a kotlin Junit test file
Error source code line:
Mockito.`when`(workflowService.sendEvent(ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.anyString())).thenReturn(true)
Error message:
class kotlin.Unit cannot be cast to class java.lang.Boolean
class kotlin.Unit cannot be cast to class java.lang.Boolean (kotlin.Unit is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.lang.Boolean is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
My Solution: instead of ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), use ArgumentMatchers.any() E.g:
Mockito.`when`(workflowService.sendEvent(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any()))
Because Java String arguments accepts also null, we can use ArgumentMatchers.any()