I want to initialise a type from a System.address
. For example :
type T_Generic is private;
package MyPackage is
G_Addr : System.Address;
procedure Register (myAddr : System.address);
procedure MyProcedure (myAddr : System.address);
end MyPackage;
package body MyPackage is
procedure Register(myAddr : System.address)
G_Addr := myAddr;
end MyProcedure;
procedure MyProcedure (myAddr : System.address)
myVar : T_Generic with address => myAddr;
if (myAddr = G_Addr)
-- work with myVar
end if;
end MyProcedure;
end MyPackage;
But I cannot compile this piece of code myVar : T_Generic with address => myAddr;
aspect specification is an Ada 2012 feature
unit must be compiled with -gnat2012 switch
I cannot change compilation's options, how can I do ?
But I cannot compile this piece of code
myVar : T_Generic with address => myAddr;
:aspect specification is an Ada 2012 feature
unit must be compiled with -gnat2012 switch
My_Address : Constant System.Address:= To_Address( 16#DEAD_BEEF# );
My_Variable : Whatever;
For My_Variable'Address use My_Address;