I want to do a green/blue deployment using ECS.
In other words I want to be able go from version v1 of the app to v2. Not a rolling update where during the deployment, some users may see v1, while others see v2.
AWS supports this here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/create-blue-green.html
Note that I am using the AWS Web Console (Not the CLI) to do this.
I can follow most of the instructions, but when I set the CodeDeploy deployment I get the following error:
Deployment group's ECS service must be configured for a CODE_DEPLOY deployment controller.
There is no option for blue/green deployment when creating the service in the new console page in ECS:
However this option is available in the classic console version (which is soon to be removed), but the option is greyed out:
Surely there is a easy way to do green/blue deployments using ECS.
Update I managed to get this to work on the CLI however.
It's on the roadmap, you can use this ticket to track the progress