I setup my Azure Function to authenticate against my own tenant like so...
The app registration for the resource has an api exposed like this
After doing so if I hit it in browser, as myself it asks me to authenticate and then works. Great! I'm now trying to hit this in Postman and I get a 401 no matter what I do.
postman is logging in as its own service principal (1ec5483f-8eb9-4851-af81-ff89eb3e25ad)
and API permissions are set like this
I then set up an OATH 2 token in POSTMAN client - and it gets one which seems valid
I obviously blanked out secret deliberately. Scope is set to api://31f5b60c-5de3-4135-85ec-08edfbce042e/General.Read. Access Token URL = https://login.microsoftonline.com/mytenant/oauth2/v2.0/authorize. Token URL = https://login.microsoftonline.com/my tenant/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
The token decrypted looks like this:
"aud": "api://31f5b60c-5de3-4135-85ec-08edfbce042e",
"iss": "https://sts.windows.net/mytenant/",
"iat": 1695814282,
"nbf": 1695814282,
"exp": 1695818220,
"acr": "1",
"aio": "ATQAy/8UAAAAS8sRzKTgrNlGhofLEKYO7xweUqSUmLrqQWFN8i0o/qsoeBqavqK7oQXJt19EOeBk",
"amr": [
"appid": "1ec5483f-8eb9-4851-af81-ff89eb3e25ad",
"appidacr": "1",
"family_name": "XXX",
"given_name": "XXX",
"ipaddr": "XXX",
"name": "XXX",
"oid": "1c11db5e-dc85-4c4b-882e-b8dd40206255",
"onprem_sid": "S-1-5-21-57989841-1450960922-725345543-4904",
"rh": "0.ARcAdKQVoiCS8E-TJSBRMiYmswy29THjXTVBhewI7fvOBC4XACo.",
"roles": [
"scp": "General.Read",
"sub": "q7tSjCuR5mf56ekcpYI4xEZ6Kdo_zfXkT2oBYEsyohQ",
"tid": "a215a474-9220-4ff0-9325-2051322626b3",
"unique_name": "XXX@XXX.com",
"upn": "XXX@XXX.com",
"uti": "0W4WOPhO406S8ahy4GkmAA",
"ver": "1.0"
Again this eyeballs right to me. But when I call
Its ALWAYS 401. Where am I going wrong?
I created an Azure AD Function app and enabled Authentication like below:
In Azure AD Application an API is Exposed:
Added API permissions:
Now, I tried to generate access token and authenticate Function app by using below parameters:
GET https://testrukfunctapp1.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1
Callback URL : RedirectURL
Auth URL : https://login.microsoftonline.com/TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Access Token URL : https://login.microsoftonline.com/TenantID/oauth2/v2.0/token
ClientID : ClientID
Client Secret : ***
Scope : api://xxx/user_impersonation
I got the same error (401 Unauthorized) like below:
To resolve the error, make sure to pass x-functions-key
The x-functions-key
value is the code value in the function URL:
After passing the header, I am able to authenticate the Function app successfully using access token like below:
GET https://testrukfunctapp1.azurewebsites.net/api/HttpTrigger1
x-functions-key : FunctionURLCodeValue
Content-Type : application/json