I was looking for an answer on stack overflow but didn't find a good one.
Imagine that I have a first collection filled with 5 classes and those 5 classes contains a number (we will say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for the sake of example). Pretty basic data structure for now. My question is, is it possible that can those 5 classes of the first collection also contains a collection which is containing 3 names ("aaa", "bbb", "ccc" for example).
With this data structure I would access to the names with this syntax:
I was just asking myself if this was possible in VBA. Sorry if i wasn't clear this was my first question on SO. Have a nice day !
I know that the equivalent is possible in C for example.
This is the general gist of what you need.
In a normal module:
Sub test()
Dim cls As Class1
Dim namearr(0 To 8) As String
namearr(0) = "bob"
namearr(1) = "jane"
namearr(2) = "alex"
namearr(3) = "jim"
namearr(4) = "fred"
namearr(5) = "jill"
namearr(6) = "sam"
namearr(7) = "tim"
namearr(8) = "cass"
Set cls = New Class1
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(namearr)
cls.add_data namearr(i)
Next i
Dim classcoll As Collection
Set classcoll = New Collection
classcoll.Add cls
For i = 1 To classcoll(1).names.Count
Debug.Print classcoll(1).names(i)
Next i
End Sub
In a class module:
Private namescoll As Collection
Public Sub init() 'This could be a set to go with the get but I usually end up needing an init when doing similar things
Set namescoll = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub add_data(val)
namescoll.Add val
End Sub
Public Property Get names() As Collection
Set names = namescoll
End Property
I just named my class module Class1
You can add as many class instances and collection elements as you want.