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facing error while parsing date column with different formats

my dataframe includes date in dd/mm/yy & dd/mm/yyyy format but while converting them into pandas datetime it gives below error :

ValueError: time data "02/11/21" doesn't match format "%m/%d/%Y", at position 129. You might want to try: - passing format if your strings have a consistent format; - passing format='ISO8601' if your strings are all ISO8601 but not necessarily in exactly the same format; - passing format='mixed', and the format will be inferred for each element individually. You might want to use dayfirst alongside this.

with this code df['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_column'], format='%m/%d/%Y', errors='coerce') it converts most of the values into NaT


  • Use %y for YY format of year:

    df['date_column'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_column'], format='%m/%d/%y', errors='coerce')

    If there are both format of years YY and YYYY use:

    df['date_column'] = (pd.to_datetime(df['date_column'], format='%m/%d/%y', errors='coerce') 
                                                  format='%m/%d/%Y', errors='coerce'))