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How to create a different colors per bar stack in ReChart

I am attempting to create a Stacked BarChart with diffrent fill colors below is my code so far, based on some answers here i can access the data array using data[0].color, so i tried to map the data array but did not work for me.

Is there a way to render the Bar individually using reCharts i was thinking of just create a static value for each bar value but its not a scalable approach.

import { BarChart, CartesianGrid, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, Bar } from "recharts";

const BarChartComponent = () => {
  const data = [
      name: "Skill",
      Before: 4000,
      After: 2400,
      color1: "#53A9DA",
      color: "#BADDF0",
      name: "Role",
      Before: 3000,
      After: 1398,
      color1: "#DFD3F9",
      color: "#AF91F0",
      name: "Missions",
      Before: 2000,
      After: 9800,
      color1: "#FADCAF",
      color: "#F2A838",
      name: "Guild",
      Before: 2780,
      After: 3908,
      color1: "#CCEEB2",
      color: "#7FD33F",
  return (
        top: 30,
        right: 5,
        bottom: 20,
        left: 50,
      <CartesianGrid stroke="#f5f5f5" />
      <XAxis type="number" />
      <YAxis dataKey="name" type="category" />
      <Tooltip />

        <Bar dataKey="After" stackId="a" fill={data[0].color1} />
        <Bar dataKey="Before" stackId="a" fill={data[0].color} />

export default BarChartComponent;


  • The Recharts documentation has something relevant here:

    Namely, using the <Cell/> internal component of the bar, with its fill dynamically mapped from iterating over your data array.

    I've put together a quick CodeSandbox demonstrating the approach:


    • Import Cell from recharts in addition to everything else you're already importing
    • Open the <Bar/> components you have and iterate over your data array, returning a <Cell/> with a fill of your defined colour:
    <Bar dataKey="After" stackId="a">
       {, index) => (
         <Cell key={`cell-${index}`} fill={entry.color1} />
    • (Optional) Remove the erroneous fill property on your <Bar/> element and differentiate your stackIds so the bars aren't stacked if you want