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How can I convert Next Js app to pwa in Nx?

I have developed a next app in the nx monopo and I need convert it to pwa app. I try to install next-pwa package but I dont know how should I change the next config file.


  • I dont think there is any difference between using a monorepo or multirepo for Next.js. You just need to update the next.config.js as desired.

    Once the next-pwa package is installed, open your next.config.js file and update it as follows (source):

    const withNx = require("@nrwl/next/plugins/withNx");
    const withPWA = require("next-pwa");
    module.exports = withNx(
        pwa: {
          dest: "public",
          register: true,
          skipWaiting: true,
        // Other Next.js configuration options

    This configuration sets the destination directory for the PWA files to the public folder, enables the service worker registration, and skips waiting for the service worker to activate.