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Deleting an element of a set

im trying to delete an element from a set but I can't seem to get the syntax right. The datatype is defined as follows:

data Menge el = Menge [el] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

and the function is:

loeschen :: (Ord el) => el -> Menge el -> Menge el
loeschen el (Menge []) = Menge []
loeschen el (Menge (x:xs))
    | el == x = Menge xs
    | otherwise = Menge (x : loeschen el (Menge xs))

The error says

Couldn't match expected type: [el] with actual type: Menge el

I've tried several versions of the part after (x:) but I always get the same error.


  • The problem is that your loeschen el (Menge xs) returns a Menge, so you can not use that with x : loeschen el (Menge xs), since that expects a list as second parameter.

    You probably overcomplicate this however. You can just unwrap the list once, remove the item, and then add the result in a Menge, like:

    loeschen :: Eq el => el -> Menge el -> Menge el
    loeschen el (Menge xs) = Menge (go xs)
        go [] = []
        go (x : xs)
          | el == x = xs
          | otherwise = x : go xs

    removing an element from a list is however alread implemented with delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a], so we can implement this as:

    import Data.List (delete)
    loeschen :: Eq el => el -> Menge el -> Menge el
    loeschen el (Menge xs) = Menge (delete el xs)