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rails / stimulus / underscored controller name, problems to name via ruby data attributes

Given the controller awesome_app_controller.js, registered as awseome_app

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = ['input'];

The following :

<%= content_tag(:div, nil, data: { "awesome_app-target" => "input" }) %>

Will invariably ends up being named

<div data-awesome-app-target='input'></div>

and wont be detected by the stimulus controller as a target.

Assuming I dont want / can't rename this controller, is there a way to keep using ruby data attributes, and still get this use case through ?


  • Your code looks like valid data attribute for targets:


    Here awesome-app is controller identifier

    Ease of Stimulus usage is ensured by compliance with the convention: when an identifier is composed of more than one word, write the words in kebab-case (i.e., by using dashes). In filenames, separate multiple words using either underscores or dashes (snake_case or kebab-case: controllers/date_picker_controller.js, controllers/list-item-controller.js)

    An identifier is the name you use to reference a controller class in HTML

    The following is an example of how Stimulus will generate identifiers for controllers in its require context:

    If your controller file is named… its identifier will be…
    clipboard_controller.js clipboard
    date_picker_controller.js. date-picker
    users/list_item_controller.js. users--list-item
    local-time-controller.js. local-time

    Therefore by convention your controller from awesome_app_controller.js should be registered as awesome-app. You can register it manually. First import the class, then call the Application#register method on your application object:

    // app/javascript/controllers/index.js
    import AwesomeAppController from './awesome_app_controller'
    application.register('awesome-app', AwesomeAppController)