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Check if a file exists in Zig

What is the easiest way to check if a file exists in zig?

As part of my build process, I need to avoid writing over a file if it already exists.

I have seen std.fs.access but I'm not sure if there is an easier way.


  • Yes, the std.fs.Dir.access is the one you should use. But for your case, you might want to create the file with the exclusive=true flag and handle the PathAlreadyExists error as recommended in the std.fs.Dir.access documentation:

    Be careful of Time-Of-Check-Time-Of-Use race conditions when using this function. For example, instead of testing if a file exists and then opening it, just open it and handle the error for file not found.

    For example:

    const std = @import("std");
    pub fn main() !void {
        try write_cache_file();
    fn write_cache_file() !void {
        var file = std.fs.cwd().createFile("file.tmp", .{ .exclusive = true }) catch |e|
            switch (e) {
                error.PathAlreadyExists => {
          "already exists", .{});
                else => return e,
        defer file.close();"write file here", .{});

    This prints:

    $ zig build run
    info: write file here
    $ zig build run
    info: already exists