I am trying to implement form validation using the Formz package but I'm getting the above error on my controller, I can't seem to figure it out. Please anybody knows a fix for this? Help me!! The error is coming from the "status: Formz.validate([])"
import 'package:flymedia_app/src/auth/signup/controller/signup_state.dart';
import 'package:form_validators/form_validators.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
class SignupController extends StateNotifier<SignUpState> {
SignupController() : super(const SignUpState());
void onNameChange(String value) {
final name = Name.dirty(value);
state = state.copyWith(
name: name,
status: Formz.validate([
void signUpWithEmailAndPassword() async {
if (!state.status.isValidated) return;
print('Signing up...');
Also here "if (!state.status.isValidated) return;" I'm getting "The getter 'isValidated' isn't defined for the type 'FormzSubmissionStatus'."
This is my Signup State import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart'; import 'package:form_validators/form_validators.dart';
class SignUpState extends Equatable {
final Name name;
final Email email;
final Password password;
final FormzSubmissionStatus status;
final String? errorMessage;
const SignUpState({
this.name = const Name.pure(),
this.email = const Email.pure(),
this.password = const Password.pure(),
this.status = FormzSubmissionStatus.initial,
SignUpState copyWith({
Name? name,
Email? email,
Password? password,
FormzSubmissionStatus? status,
String? errorMessage,
}) {
return SignUpState(
name: name ?? this.name,
email: email ?? this.email,
password: password ?? this.password,
status: status ?? this.status,
errorMessage: errorMessage ?? this.errorMessage,
List<Object> get props =>
You have messed with types. Formz.validate
returns bool
, but your status field is FormzSubmissionStatus enum
. So you have to change it's type, or add another field, for example isValid
and assign Formz.validate
result to it.