My goal is when I create a new item, the trigger sets the age to 18 years old.
this is my trigger function :
function trigger(item) {
// Check if the document has an "age" field
console.log("started triggering");
if (item && item.age !== undefined) {
// Update the "age" field to 18
item.age = 18;
// Continue with the operation (insert)
return item;
When I create new item, the age doesn't change input :
"id": "86",
"name": "dhia",
"age": 11
output :
"id": "86",
"name": "dhia",
"age": 11
My goal is when I create a new item, the trigger sets the age to 18 years old.
I tried to set the name, the age, even a small change to see the trigger working because I'm learning and this is my first pre-trigger ever.
My goal is when I create a new item, the trigger sets the age to 18 years old.
As Gaurav Mantri explained in this SO thread, the triggers are not run automatically whenever a document is inserted. What you would need to do is specify the trigger that you want to run when you're creating the document.
Below are the steps I followed:
An object is created by CosmosClient utilizing a connection string containing an Azure Cosmos DB account's login data.
The GetContainer
function is used to get a reference to a particular container within the Cosmos DB account.
An anonymous type having the properties id, name, and age is used to define an object.
It generates an ItemRequestOptions
object and sets the PreTriggers
property of that object to a list with the pre-trigger name updateAge. This pre-trigger will be executed before creating the item.
method on the container is used to create the item asynchronously.
The item is the new document, null shows that the code doesn't specify a particular partition key, and requestOptions has the pre-trigger data.
function updateAge() {
var context = getContext();
var request = context.getRequest();
var itemToCreate = request.getBody();
itemToCreate.age = 18;
The request context and the object to be created are retrieved by updateAge()
It modifies the age property of the item to set it to 18.
Uses request.setBody(itemToCreate)
to update the item's content with the modified age value.
Below Is the code I tried with:
public async Task CreateItemAsync()
var client = new CosmosClient("*****");
var container = client.GetContainer("newData", "newCont");
var item = new
id = "3",
name = "Pavan Balaji",
age = 30
var requestOptions = new ItemRequestOptions
PreTriggers = new List<string> { "updateAge" }
var response = await container.CreateItemAsync(item, null, requestOptions);
Console.WriteLine($"Request Charge: {response.RequestCharge}");
catch (CosmosException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Cosmos DB Exception: {ex.Message}");
static async Task Main(string[] args)
ClassName Instance = new ClassName();
await Instance.CreateItemAsync();
"id": "3",
"name": "Pavan Balaji",
"age": 18