I want to add a table from a Google sheet, Tab "LG001 - Table 1" to a replacement tag of "Table 1" in a doc Template.
PS: Thanks so much for your help, I realize there might be some mistake in other steps, thus I attach the whole code here so that you have a better context of what is going on.
This code is in a sheet - Script
Here is what I have been trying:
function onOpen() { const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); const menu = ui.createMenu('AutoFill Docs'); menu.addItem('Create New Docs', 'createNewGoogleDocs') menu.addToUi(); } function createNewGoogleDocs() { //This value should be the id of your document template that we created in the last step const googleDocTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById('1ljyhJ11v90WQJTIV9nrjC0uq80HYK_U1aY7-dgMtNUk'); //This value should be the id of the folder where you want your completed documents stored const destinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('1dsrpxUihbYQQkdKx3uD5v0IDvv_CSUOS') //Here we store the sheet as a variable const sheet = SpreadsheetApp .getActiveSpreadsheet() .getSheetByName('HĐMBHH') //Now we get all of the values as a 2D array const rows = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); //Start processing each spreadsheet row rows.forEach(function(row, index){ //Here we check if this row is the headers, if so we skip it if (index === 0) return; //Here we check if a document has already been generated by looking at 'Document Link', if so we skip it if (row[16]) return; //Using the row data in a template literal, we make a copy of our template document in our destinationFolder const copy = googleDocTemplate.makeCopy("LG.001 " +" "+row[15], destinationFolder) //Once we have the copy, we then open it using the DocumentApp const doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId()) //All of the content lives in the body, so we get that for editing const body = doc.getBody(); //In these lines, we replace our replacement tokens with values from our spreadsheet row body.replaceText("{{b Company name}}",row[2]); body.replaceText("{{Party B Address}}",row[3]); body.replaceText("{{Party B Tel}}",row[4]); body.replaceText("{{b Rep}}",row[5]); body.replaceText("{{B Position}}",row[6]); body.replaceText("{{B Tax Code}}",row[7]); body.replaceText("{{dot1}}",row[8]); body.replaceText("{{chu1}}",row[9]); body.replaceText("{{word1}}",row[10]); body.replaceText("{{dot2}}",row[11]); body.replaceText("{{chu2}}",row[12]); body.replaceText("{{word2}}",row[13]); body.replaceText("{{bh}}",row[14]); body.replaceText("{{Contract ID}}",row[0]); function inserttable1(){ let sheet1 = SpreadsheetApp .getActiveSpreadsheet() .getSheetByName("LG001 - Table 1"); let numRows = sheet1.getLastRow(); let numColumns = sheet1.getLastColumn(); let data = sheet1.getRange(1, 1, numRows, numColumns).getValues(); // the id of the document file let placeHolder = body.findText("{{Table 1}}"); let paragraph = placeHolder.getElement().getParent(); let index = body.getChildIndex(paragraph); body.insertTable(index+1,data); body.removeChild(paragraph);} //We make our changes permanent by saving and closing the document doc.saveAndClose(); const pdf = convertToPdf_(doc, destinationFolder); // Convert the doc to a PDF file. const url = pdf.getUrl(); //Write that value back to the 'Document Link' column in the spreadsheet. sheet.getRange(index + 1, 17).setValue(url) function convertToPdf_(doc, folder) { const blob = doc.getAs('application/pdf'); const file = folder.createFile(blob); return file }})}
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance
Here is an example of how to insert a table after your marker. I then delete the marker.
function inserttable1(){
let sheet1 = SpreadsheetApp
let numRows = sheet1.getLastRow();
let numColumns = sheet1.getLastColumn();
let data = sheet1.getRange(1, 1, numRows, numColumns).getValues();
// the id of the document file
let doc = DocumentApp.openById("1......................................");
let body = doc.getBody();
let placeHolder = body.findText("{{Table 1}}");
let paragraph = placeHolder.getElement().getParent();
let index = body.getChildIndex(paragraph);