I am learning to use StateNotifier and StateNotifierProvider from a YouTube video.
I have created a model and a StateNotifier class
User data model:
class Users {
final String? agentId;
final String? fName;
final String? lName;
final String? agency;
final String? agencyId;
final String? address1;
final String? address2;
final String? city;
final String? state;
final int? zipcode;
final String? cellPhone;
final String? officePhone;
final String? email;
final String? mls;
final String? mlsId;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'cellPhone': cellPhone,
'address1': address1,
'address2': address2,
'agency': agency,
'agencyId': agencyId,
'agentId': agentId,
'city': city,
'fName': fName,
'lName': lName,
'officePhone': officePhone,
'state': state,
'zipCode': zipcode,
'mls': mls,
'mlsId': mlsId,
'email': email
// pass in a map and get an object back
Users.fromFirestore(Map<String, dynamic> firestore)
: cellPhone = firestore['cellPhone'],
address1 = firestore['address1'],
address2 = firestore['address2'],
agency = firestore['agency'],
agencyId = firestore['agencyId'],
agentId = firestore['agentId'],
city = firestore['city'],
fName = firestore['fName'],
lName = firestore['lName'],
officePhone = firestore['officePhone'],
state = firestore['state'],
zipcode = firestore['zipCode'],
mls = firestore['mls'],
mlsId = firestore['mlsId'],
email = firestore['email'];
StateNotifier class:
class UserNotifier extends StateNotifier<Users> {
UserNotifier(super.state); // constructor
// **************************************************
// functions to update class members
void updatefName(String newfName) {
state = state.copyWith(fName: newfName);
void updatelName(String newlName) {
state = state.copyWith(lName: newlName);
void updateaddress1(String newaddress1) {
state = state.copyWith(address1: newaddress1);
void updateaddress2(String newaddress2) {
state = state.copyWith(address2: newaddress2);
void updateCity(String newCity) {
state = state.copyWith(city: newCity);
void updateState(String newState) {
state = state.copyWith(state: newState);
void updateZipcode(String newZipcode) {
state = state.copyWith(zipcode: newZipcode);
void updateCellPhone(String newCellPhone) {
state = state.copyWith(cellPhone: newCellPhone);
void updateOfficePhone(String newOfficePhone) {
state = state.copyWith(officePhone: newOfficePhone);
void updateCompany(String newCompany) {
state = state.copyWith(company: newCompany);
void updateMls(String newMls) {
state = state.copyWith(mls: newMls);
I am getting an error on the copyWith. Here is the error message: The method 'copyWith' isn't defined for the type 'Users'.
I searched on the internet and one post said I don't need .copyWith so I removed it and I got a different error on state.
I have followed the example in the video but I am getting the error. How do I get rid of the error?
Thank you for your help.
In your Users model you don't have copyWith method implemented which you are using in the statenotifier class.
add the following copyWith method in your Users model.
// Define a copyWith method
Users copyWith({
String? cellPhone,
String? address1,
String? address2,
String? agency,
String? agencyId,
String? agentId,
String? city,
String? fName,
String? lName,
String? officePhone,
String? state,
int? zipcode,
String? mls,
String? mlsId,
String? email,
}) {
return Users(
cellPhone: cellPhone ?? this.cellPhone,
address1: address1 ?? this.address1,
address2: address2 ?? this.address2,
agency: agency ?? this.agency,
agencyId: agencyId ?? this.agencyId,
agentId: agentId ?? this.agentId,
city: city ?? this.city,
fName: fName ?? this.fName,
lName: lName ?? this.lName,
officePhone: officePhone ?? this.officePhone,
state: state ?? this.state,
zipcode: zipcode ?? this.zipcode,
mls: mls ?? this.mls,
mlsId: mlsId ?? this.mlsId,
email: email ?? this.email,
Also, please edit the question to include the video link you are following.