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Deployment status shows deployment successful, but last deployed displays nothing in Azure CLI

My application has a .NET Core 7 backend and it uses a SQL database. I'm trying to deploy it onto an Azure App service (Windows platform) using the Azure CLI, but I have not had any luck so far.

I'm running across a strange problem. When I run the deploy command, the status is 4, and the message is successfully deployed. I checked the logs, and it says the deployment was successful, but the last deployment shows nothing, as can be seen in the screenshot below:

enter image description here

I have exhausted all my resources and can't figure out what's the problem. Here are all the operations that I'm performing along with the commands that I'm executing:

az group create --name QandAResourcesterminal --location EastUS
az appservice plan create --name qanda2021-backend-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal --sku S1 --location eastus --subscription Education
az sql server create --name qanda-server-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal --location eastus --admin-user qanda --admin-password Education@123
az sql db create --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal --server qanda-server-terminal --name qanda-db-terminal --service-objective S0
az sql server firewall-rule create --name AllowTraffic --server qanda-server-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal  --start-ip-address --end-ip-address 

Then I got the connection string from Azure database, replaced {your_password} with Education@123 in the connection string, and added it to application. i.e., backend/appsettings.json file.

Then I executed the following commands:

az webapp create --name QandA2021-WebDeploy-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal --plan QandA2021-backend-terminal 
zip -r backend/*
az webapp config connection-string set --name QandA2021-WebDeploy-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal --settings DefaultConnection="Server={my connection string}" --connection-string-type SQLServer
az webapp deployment source config-zip  --src --name QandA2021-WebDeploy-terminal --resource-group QandAResourcesterminal 

The deployment is successful as can be seen from this screenshot:

enter image description here

Then I navigate to Azure app service, click on default domain and I expect my webpage to open but I get the following page:

enter image description here

When I navigate to my_domain/api/question, I expect a page containing the question details, but I get the following error:

enter image description here

From all the reading that I've done, I understand that it has something to do with my web.config file but it's right there:

enter image description here

Here's my web.config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
        <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" />
      <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\QandA.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="false" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" hostingModel="inprocess" />

I've tried checking the file structure through Azure portal console, and here's my file structure:

enter image description here

The web.config file is located in the wwwroot/backend/publish/ directory. Can someone help? Because I can't seem to understand what's really wrong.


  • The root cause of this issue is that the contents of the publish folder should be placed in the C:\home\site\wwwroot folder of the azure app service.

    You have two ways to fix the issue, one is modifying the azure-cli command and put the publish files under wwwroot.

    The second way is you can change the Physical Path. Under this path, we should find QandA.dll and web.config files.

    enter image description here