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Problem with updating the table via UPDATE SELECT

I'm using MS SQL Server. I have 2 tables:

Table1 stores information about the individual object number (Object_id), the number of its property (Prop_id) and the value of this property (Value).


Object_id Prop_id Value
1 55 980
1 76
2 55 970
2 76
3 55 960
3 76

Table 2 contains the values of the object properties:

NUM Name
980 ABC
970 DEF
960 HIJ

I need to update table 1 with values from table 2. I need to put "Name" in the "Value" column for a property with index 76. The connection of the two tables should be by the fields "Value" for property 55 in Table 1 and "Num" in Table 2.

In the end, I want to get this:

Object_id Prop_id Value
1 55 980
1 76 ABC
2 55 970
2 76 DEF
3 55 960
3 76 HIJ

Please help me write a query that will give the desired result!

I have already tried several SQL queries, but they either do not update the table at all, or substitute only the first value from the data sample.

My attempt:

SET Table1.Value =
      FROM Table1 
      JOIN Table2 ON Table2.num = Table1.Value 
                  AND Table1.Prop_id = 55) AS name1
WHERE Table1.Prop_id = 76

This attempt updates the values in the table, but inserts only the first value from the SELECT query into all rows (i.e. the ABC value in all rows with property 76).


  • It is easier if you write the query step by step

    First, you need to get the value from Table2 link to Table1

    select *
    from   Table1 t1
           inner join Table2 t2  on t1.Value = t2.NUM
    Object_id Prop_id Value NUM Name
    1 55 980 980 ABC
    2 55 970 970 DEF
    3 55 960 960 HIJ

    You will get the Object_id with the associate Name value from Table2

    Next, you join it back to Table1 for update

    select *
    from   Table1 t1
           inner join Table2 t2  on t1.Value = t2.NUM
           inner join Table1 t1u on t1.Object_id = t1u.Object_id
    where  t1u.Prop_id = 76
    Object_id Prop_id Value NUM Name Object_id Prop_id Value
    1 55 980 980 ABC 1 76 null
    2 55 970 970 DEF 2 76 null
    3 55 960 960 HIJ 3 76 null

    Verify the result is what you want, just change the query to a update query

    update t1u
    set    Value = t2.Name
    from   Table1 t1
           inner join Table2 t2  on t1.Value = t2.NUM
           inner join Table1 t1u on t1.Object_id = t1u.Object_id
    where  t1u.Prop_id = 76

    And you will get the result you want in Table1