I have this table here and i'm trying to take the value and device category from each row in each column so I can have data like below.
series: [{
name: 'engaged_sessions',
data: [{
name: 'Desktop',
y: 7765,
}, {
name: 'Mobile',
y: 388
name: 'event_count',
data: [{
name: 'Desktop',
y: 51325,
}, {
name: 'Mobile',
y: 4349
And basically go through each column taking the device category and value into a list of dictionaries Heres the pivot table,
engaged_sessions event_count new_users total_revenue total_users
Desktop 7765 51325 6593 9 8021
Mobile 388 4349 795 0 412
Smart Tv 2 38 1 250 9
Tablet 87 111 37 0 97
I've tried using a for loop and put each iteration into a list but it wasn't quite right. The closest I've gotten is with to_dict() method and I think that has the best bet so far.
This question here (Pandas to_dict data structure, using column as dictionary index) is very similar but I'm trying group by each column and if I use groupby(df.cloumns) or groupby(['column'],['column']) it gives me objects with numbers in it but no reference to what they are
If df
contains the pivoted dataframe from your question you can do:
out = []
for c in df:
{"name": c, "data": [{"name": k, "y": v} for k, v in df[c].to_dict().items()]}
"name": "engaged_sessions",
"data": [
{"name": "Desktop", "y": 7765},
{"name": "Mobile", "y": 388},
{"name": "Smart Tv", "y": 2},
{"name": "Tablet", "y": 87},
"name": "event_count",
"data": [
{"name": "Desktop", "y": 51325},
{"name": "Mobile", "y": 4349},
{"name": "Smart Tv", "y": 38},
{"name": "Tablet", "y": 111},
"name": "new_users",
"data": [
{"name": "Desktop", "y": 6593},
{"name": "Mobile", "y": 795},
{"name": "Smart Tv", "y": 1},
{"name": "Tablet", "y": 37},
"name": "total_revenue",
"data": [
{"name": "Desktop", "y": 9},
{"name": "Mobile", "y": 0},
{"name": "Smart Tv", "y": 250},
{"name": "Tablet", "y": 0},
"name": "total_users",
"data": [
{"name": "Desktop", "y": 8021},
{"name": "Mobile", "y": 412},
{"name": "Smart Tv", "y": 9},
{"name": "Tablet", "y": 97},