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Facebook Graph Api Image CDN connection timeout

I have a few customers that want some integration between their website and their facebook page. One wanted a feed integration to their website. When calling graph api, i ask for these fields: "message,id,full_picture".

The problem i have is that when developing locally using laragon, it shows the full_image correctly. The field is just returning a url for Facebooks cdn, that points to the image from that post.

But when i deploy it to my Hostinger VPS server in Lithuania with CyberPanel installed, The images does not load. I noticed the differences in the Facebook CDN url as you can see here:

Locally: ""

Hosted: ""

The hosted url simple doesn't load as it times out the connection.

I tried doing the exact same code but on my bluehost shared hosting, and it worked just fine. I really need someones help on this.

What do i do?


  • Peter


  • So i ended up just moving the server to France and that fixed it...