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The Android periodic WorkManager doesn't work

I want to run PeriodicWork with Dagger Hilt dependency injections. However, it doesn't work periodically. I have checked my code many times. There is at most only one message of a successful work completion, although I expect to get a message every second.

Here is the code for MainActivity:

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        setContent {
            RunARepeatableWorkUsingWorkManagerTheme {

            val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current

            LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit ){

                val workRequest = PeriodicWorkRequestBuilder<CustomWorker>(
                    repeatInterval = 1,
                    repeatIntervalTimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS,)
                        backoffPolicy = BackoffPolicy.LINEAR,
                        duration = Duration.ofSeconds(5))

                    val workManager = WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext)
                    workManager.enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("myWork", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, workRequest)

                    .observe(lifecycleOwner){ it ->
                        it.forEach {workInfo ->
                        Log.d("MyWorker: MainActivity", "${workInfo.state}")

My Worker looks like this:

class CustomWorker @AssistedInject constructor(
    @Assisted context: Context,
    @Assisted workerParameters: WorkerParameters
) : CoroutineWorker(context, workerParameters){
        override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
            try {
                println("MyWorker : The result or the worker is Success")
                return Result.success()
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                Log.e("MyWorker: CustomWorker", "Worker failed: ${e.message}", e)
                return Result.failure()


class AppInstance : Application(), Configuration.Provider{
    @Inject lateinit var workerFactory: HiltWorkerFactory

    override fun getWorkManagerConfiguration() =


Also in the manifest file I added:

        tools:node="remove" />

The Logcat shows only:

 2023-09-24 18:16:46.712  4819-4819  MyWorker: MainActivity  com...epeatableworkusingworkmanager  D  ENQUEUED
2023-09-24 18:17:47.375  4819-4854  System.out              com...epeatableworkusingworkmanager  I  MyWorker : The result or the worker is Success
2023-09-24 18:17:47.429  4819-4819  MyWorker: MainActivity  com...epeatableworkusingworkmanager  D  RUNNING
2023-09-24 18:17:47.437  4819-4819  MyWorker: MainActivity  com...epeatableworkusingworkmanager  D  ENQUEUED

And that's all. The question is: Why don't I see a message of the work being done every second? I would appreciate any help!


  • Probably because as per the documentation

    Periodic work has a minimum interval of 15 minutes.

    You cannot have a Periodic work request every 1 second, so your code is probably working you are just not waiting the 15 minutes for it to trigger.